Funny Sales Increase 2017 Goals Funny Memes

Whether you're a sales rep, account manager, sales director, anyone who works in sales, you will understand just how stressful it can be.

Targets, customers, pipelines, the pressure always mounts up. Around 2 years ago I started to create memes that made light of the stresses that come with working in sales and over the last couple of years have created hundreds!

These memes are shared on The Daily Sales every single day with new memes all the time. There is a back catalogue of over 300 sales memes on the website but here are 100 sales memes that anyone in sales can relate to!

I'm looking to find which meme is the best so comment which one you think is the best and we'll count up to see which one reigns supreme!

Let's get started......

1 - We all know that the majority of prospects and customers that we speak to who promise that they will call us back don't! When one does, well this face pretty much sums it up.....

2 - Cold calling doesn't give the most amazing results, but when it works, it works!

3 - Forecasting is often a case of licking your finger and checking which direction the wind is blowing, or like the spin of a wheel.....

4 - The weekend is done, you're back at work and it's time to get ready for the show!

5 - Is there anything more satisfying than being the top seller in the team??!

6 - Of course they are......(P.s who reads this in the Dr Evil voice??!)

7 - We have all been guilty of at some point laughing at a bad joke because we really need to get the sale!

8 - You might be waiting for some time......

9 - If you've had a bad start to the month in sales it can be extremely hard trying to turn that month around, just like this picture beautifully shows....

10 - There's always one sales person in the office who is constantly talking about their amazing pipeline (they're also often the ones who never close anything....)

11 - Will you ever know for sure, probably not. Do you know deep down though, probably yes....

12 - Sales people work so hard that it is often soul destroying to see the tax man take a huge cut of that wonderful commission....

13 - There are few things more awkward for a sales professional than having to attend a customer meeting with your manager....

14 - I've been to plenty of these meetings myself where you're often sitting there, 2 hours in, knowing you've got a huge target to hit but yet for some reason it's important to debate the colour of the font of the company newsletter....

15 - It's the little victories like this that make sales rewarding sometimes.....

16 - They've shot you down and given you the heart breaking no, but yet they won't stop talking to you either!

17 - Is it so bad that we get caught up working hard selling that we forget to update our CRM? For our managers....yes, yes it is!

18 - The team are tired, drained and stressed. Your manager then plucks out some praise, inspirational quotes and shows you the light at the end of the tunnel. Go go team!

19 - That awkward moment whilst cold calling when you're asked for a name but you don't have one....time to check LinkedIn quickly!

20 - When you've been working for a long time on a customer and the deal finally closes it can sometimes feel like a hug is needed...

21 - That feeling of betrayal after they make you think they're ready to buy and then boom, bye bye target hitting opportunity!

22 - Sales people often make their companies tons of money, the commission however doesn't always reflect that....

23 - There are very few reasons that will be accepted by a sales manager for missing target, I'm not sure if I actually know of any....!

24 - How do people handle the stress of working in sales? It's simple really....

25 - There are plenty of gatekeepers out there, many who can be charmed into connecting you. There are however those who just simply won't let you pass...

26 - There are plenty of fresh new sales people who come in on day one and lay claim to the fact they will be the top seller straight away. There are very few who live up to that......

27 - Once you've handled the stress of the final day of the month a few (hundred) times you soon get used to it....

28 - There are few things as scary as one of your big deals going quiet for a little too long!

29 - A bad experience for them is often a great opportunity for you!

30 - What do you do????

31 - Oh now this is starting to get exciting!

32 - Just like the moment they see the giant shark, many sales people have that moment of reality when looking at their giant sales target....

33 - Sales can make anyone a little crazy, but seeing those extra zeros on your salary at the end makes it all worth it.

34 - It soon goes straight to their head....

35 - Are you REALLY going to hit target though....??

36 - It goes from something achievable to something out of this world!

37 - There's always a difference between what you're paid, and what you can earn through commission....

38 - That moment that lasts forever whilst they decide whether to sign or not.....

39 - Not quite the retirement bonus you had hoped for....

40 - The sales team take aim.....

41 - For the 300th time, they're expecting my call!

42 - You're totally in sync complementing each others every contribution, together you rock that sales pitch!

43 - And so the interrogation begins....

44 - Yay team!

45 - Who else could be better than the sales manager??!

46 - When times are tough there is only one place you can go, although it won't take a time machine to do it....

47 - We have an expert over here, those 5 days in sales training must be taken seriously....

48 - Excuse me.....can you just sign here quickly please?

49 - Oh I'm in a glass case of emotion!!

50 - "Oh sorry I'm just in a meeting, can I call you back"....

NO! You answered the phone now listen to my sales pitch...

51 - Hold up, hold up, there's only one place they could possibly be....

52 - Perhaps not all sales people started off warm a fluffy, but most end up scary and crazy...

53 - So....where are these customers then?

54 - Listen to every word of mine you must

55 - But they promised.....

56 -

57 - Excellent......

58 - Economy my ****.......

59 - Here we go again.....


61 - We're going to SMASH our targets this month....

*after the first objection*...Oh we don't stand a chance

62 - I'll be back again, and again, and again.....

63 - After a tough week most sales people make the most of their weekends often making a Monday morning seem like a scene from The Walking Dead....

64 - And not the cool powerful type of 11......

65 - Lalalalalalalalalalalalala......

66 - What you doing Gerald????

67 - Does this actually happen???

68 - There are few sales commission plans that are simple, most have hundreds of levels, combinations, accelerators and even then they never quite add up to what you work out.....

69 - You hit target but didn't hit your KPI's, impressive!

70 - They're always watching.....always...

71 - It makes selling a whole lot better if you get on with your customer!

72 - I've still got it.....

73 - Mine...

74 - Sure it's easy, why don't you come and give it a go?!

75 - Why though?!

76 - WE CAN DO THIS!!!

77 - 327 hours later.....

78 - Thank goodness!!

79 - On your marks.....get set.....sell!

80 - Each month often starts of smart, full of hope and ambition. By the end of the month however it's often a different tale....

81 - Well I wasn't expecting that....!

82 - Alrighty then!

83 - That and the coffee aisle....

84 - Pretend success for those who don't quite achieve target....

85 - Muah hahahaa

86 - Who said sales was stressful eh?!

87 - Got to love those sales execs who get excited by any sign of interest, even if deep down we know they've been fobbed off....

88 - Time to P...A...R..........T...A...why? Because I earned a ton of commission!

89 - I think we could all use this prescription....

90 - Smith? Mrs Sales?

91 - Shout out to my number one customer!

92 - Hooray!

93 - No such thing as a normal working day in sales....

94 - Back in the day.....

95 - Just let me get on with my job and sell Simon!

96 - Not quite a sixth sense, they're everywhere!

97 - Oh good for you Brenda, well done, glad you're having a great month!

98 - It's the only way.....

99 - Of course you did....

100 - The original Daily Sales meme and still one of our all time favourites!

There it is, 100 sales memes that anyone in sales can relate to!

I'd love to find out which is the best! Write the number in the comments box of the one that is your favourite and let's find out!

The Daily Sales shares the best sales memes every single day, make sure you follow our social channels and subscribe to our newsletter to get them straight to your inbox.

If you enjoyed this post please click LIKE and click SHARE to share it with your network. Please also take time to read some of my other recent posts.

The 10 Things That Will NEVER Change In Sales

Successful Salespeople SELL With Why...

The 10 Films You MUST Watch If You Work In Sales!

About the author: Daniel Disney  is the Founder and Owner of The Daily Sales . With 15+ years successful sales and sales management experience, Daniel is the author of one of the most popular sales blogs in the world (188 sales blogs written). With an overall social audience of over 150,000 followers and content reaching 7,000,000+ every month Daniel is one of the top influencers in the sales industry. To book Daniel as your sales kickoff or keynote speaker or to discuss training/consulting please contact him at


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